교육장소 약도보기 (서울 송파구)
주소 | (우 05854) 서울특별시 송파구 법원로 114 엠스테이트 A동 202호 러닝뱅크 송파교육센터 |
전화번호 | 1599-3045 |
오시는길 | 지하철 8호선 문정역 3번출구 연결 |
주차 이용 안내 | 2시간 무료주차권 지급, 이후 10분당 500원, 1일 최대 2만원, 주차장 출구 무인 카드결제(현금결제 불가) |
교육장소 약도보기 (서울 강서구)
주소 | (우) 07791서울특별시 강서구 양천로 344 대방디엠시티 1차 B동 202호 CnG교육코칭센터 |
전화번호 | 1599-3045 |
오시는길 | 지하철 9호선 양천향교역 8번 출구 도보 3분 |
주차 이용 안내 | 3시간 무료주차 / 회차 시 시간연장 가능 |
Statutory compulsory education is compulsory education that must be completed by law designated by the government. Must be completed for all employees at least once a year.
Learning Bank provides an English version of mandatory legal education.
Continuous update of high-quality contents designed and produced by Learning Bank Edutech Lab
Providing interesting contents such as new concept of legal compulsory education dramas
Reliable legal compulsory education with the best experts in each field
Cultivate practical problem-solving methods that can be applied in the field
Professional response to technical issues through dedicated operation of professional engineers
Meticulous and systematic operation management support with 1:1 dedicated marks
Choose according to the needs of your business online without time and place constraints
Effective education by providing professional and interesting contents, not general legal education
Differentiated educational content and the best instructors
구분 | 주요내용 | 교육시간(Total 1 hour) |
Lecture 01 | Let's be with Shin Youngil Personal information protection - Understanding of Personal Information Protection - Practice of Personal Information Protection | 60 minutes |