Legal Guide for Employees | Education to improve Awareness of disabilities in the Workplace (feat. Soobin x Wonhyo)
기본법정교육 > 온라인 > 민간·공공기관 공통
교육비용6,000원 / 1인
교육대상General / Public workers
교육시간(차시/기간)1 hour (1st hour/8 weeks)
수료기준100% progress rate (no assignments or exams)
교육문의1599-3045 (Choose No. 1)

국내최고/국내최다 고퀄리티 법정교육 콘텐츠 완비!

Legal Guide for Employees | Education to improve Awareness of disabilities in the Workplace (feat. Soobin x Wonhyo)


Statutory compulsory education is compulsory education that must be completed by law designated by the government. Must be completed for all employees at least once a year.

Learning Bank provides an English version of mandatory legal education.

과정의 특징
  • The largest/best legal compulsory education lineup in Korea

    Continuous update of high-quality contents designed and produced by Learning Bank Edutech Lab

    Providing interesting contents such as new concept of legal compulsory education dramas

  • The best instructors with theory, experience and know-how

    Reliable legal compulsory education with the best experts in each field

    Cultivate practical problem-solving methods that can be applied in the field

  • Professional response to online technical issues and education operation

    Professional response to technical issues through dedicated operation of professional engineers

    Meticulous and systematic operation management support with 1:1 dedicated marks

과정의 장점
  • 1

    Choose according to the needs of your business online without time and place constraints

  • 2

    Effective education by providing professional and interesting contents, not general legal education

  • 3

    Differentiated educational content and the best instructors

  • 교육목표Can understand and explain the definition and types of disability.
  • 교육대상General / Public workers
구분 주요내용 교육시간(Total 1 hour)
Lecture 01[Legal Guide for Employees] Education to improve Awareness of disabilities in the Workplace (feat. Soobin x Wonhyo)

▷ Understanding disability
▷ Human rights, prohibition of discrimination, and provision of convenience for the disabled in the workplace
▷ Employment promotion and vocational rehabilitation system for the disabled
▷ Etiquette for each type of disabled person
60 minutes
내용전문가 소개

Legal Guide for Employees | Education to improve Awareness of disabilities in the Workplace (feat. Soobin x Wonhyo)

Since 2002 러닝뱅크와 각 분야 전문가들이 함께 만들어 믿을 수 있습니다.

  • Content Specialist Shin Dong-heon

    Current Learning Bank Professional Instructor

    Currently a representative labor attorney at A Plus Labor Law Firm

    Currently a education instructor for improving awareness of disabilities in the workplace at the Korea Employment Agency for the Disabl

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